PLOTO partners under the spotlight: AFDJ

Together with UDG and RRT, the Galati Lower Danube River Administration, A.A. (AFDJ) supports the work of PLOTO partners in the Romanian pilot site.

What prompted your organisation to join the PLOTO consortium?

AFDJ Galati, as a fairway authority for Romanian Danube sector, is monitored the hydrological and morphological parameters which influence the navigations conditions, take into consideration as an important opportunity being partner in PLOTO project, in the sense of testing all existing data, within the centralized platform which is going to be develop during the project lifetime.

How do the objectives of PLOTO project fit in with the priorities and strategies of your company?

In Romania, AFDJ Galati manages the information that will be used in the demonstrator, developed for Romania, and the results of the tests that will be carried out, within this demonstrator, will help us to reduce the risks generated by the parameters measured to ensure the safety of navigation on Romanian Danube sector, from the area where these data are collected.

Tell us about the role of your company in this project

AFDJ Galati in the PLOTO project is a supplier of data necessary for the development and testing of the demonstrator for Romania and a partner for the development of the platform.

Can you give an update about the latest developments?

AFDJ Galati, provided the project teams with the requested data for the development of the models within the demonstrator and is preparing the technical specifications for the equipment`s that will be used for data collection within the project.

What are your company’s next steps in the project, in relation to the pilot site?

AFDJ Galati will procure and install the needed infrastructure for data collecting, based on a calibration before and will integrate in the existing network, along the Romanian Danube sector.

What are your plans to build upon these results for future initiatives?

The project PLOTO results, will be used for developing the new infrastructure elements, which are going to develop infrastructure components for traffic management systems on the Danube.

Would you like to add anything more? 

The project partner, AFDJ Galati is considering an opportunity to be a partner in PLOTO project, to work with experts from academic and research world and to use results, for increasing navigation conditions on the Romanian Danube sector.

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