Vilnius Vilnius, Lithuania

VILNIUS TECH's Faculty of Transport Engineering proudly announces the continuation of its long-standing tradition with the Annual Conference on Transport Engineering, organised in cooperation with partners since 2001. This prestigious event has become a cornerstone in the field, attracting experts, scholars, and industry professionals from all over the world. The diverse array of topics covered […]

PLOTO 2nd Plenary Meeting

University of Maribor Krekova ulica 2, Maribor, Slovenia

PLOTO partners will gather for the second Plenary Meeting of the project. On 20-21 September 2023 in Maribor, PLOTO consortium members will discuss the developments of each of the working groups and the milestones achieved in the first 12 months. They will be involved in workshops and in-person discussions to further the implementation of the […]

13th International Conference on Logistics & Transport 2023

Helsinki Helsinki, Finland

Don't miss this extraordinary opportunity to engage with leading experts and stay abreast of cutting-edge developments in circular supply chain management for a more resilient future at the 13th International Conference on Logistics and Transport in Helsinki. The theme for this year's conference is "Circular Supply Chain for Resilience." Embracing the global shift towards an […]

Danube Ports Days 2023

thinkport VIENNA Freudenauer Hafenstraße 18,, Vienna, Austria

PLOTO project will be showcased at the upcoming Danube Port Days on 23-24 November in Vienna. Considering that two pilot sites of the project are focused on the Danube River, this will be a perfect occasion to collaborate and understand which are the opportunities for this specific geographical area. PLOTO partner, RSOE will be attending […]


Budapest Budapest, Hungary

PLOTO partners AFDJ and RSOE are inviting you to the upcoming GIS Forum Danube planned for 5-6 December in Budapest, Hungary. The "GIS Forum Danube" was established in 1997 as a trilateral working group comprising the waterway authorities of Germany, Austria, and Slovakia. Its primary objectives were to foster an extensive exchange of geographic data […]

PLOTO General Assembly

National Technical University of Athens 9 Iroon Polytechneiou str., Athens, Greece

On 7-8 February, PLOTO partners will meet in Athens for the first in-person meeting of 2024. Hosted by PLOTO partner, the National Technical University of Athens, the General Assembly will be an occasion for partners to be updated on the work packages and discuss about the latest news from their respective organisations. Starting on Wednesday […]

PLOTO attending FOR-FREIGHT project general assembly

PLOTO will be presented during the General Assembly of the FOR-FREIGHT project. This event will take place in Athens, Greece on Wednesday, 6th March 2024. Dr. Vasileios E. Melissianos, Senior Critical Infrastructure Engineer atSoReCC will be representing the project during the meeting. He will showcase the project and present potential synergies between the two EU-funded […]

Connecting Europe Days

The Square Mont des Arts, Brussels, Belgium

Connecting Europe Days is a mobility flagship event, set to take place from 2-5 April 2024 in Brussels, Belgium. This gathering will convene policymakers, financial bodies, industry figures, transport experts, and the European Commission to delve into the realm of inland waterways. This assembly aims to explore tangible actions and share successful models for crafting […]

PLOTO at EGU2024

Vienna Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1, Vienna, Austria

PLOTO partner, the University of Liege will be attending the upcoming General Assembly 2024 of the European Geosciences Union (EGU) held at the Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria and online, from 14–19 April 2024. They have successfully submitted a paper and they will be showcasing the PLOTO project achievements to the audience present there. The EGU […]

Transport Research Arena 2024

The Transport Research Arena (TRA) is happening in Dublin, Ireland from April 15 to April 18, 2024. It's a big European event about all types of transport and mobility. PLOTO will be showcased there for the entire duration of the event at the etp-ALICE stand, together with its sister projects ReNEW and CRISTAL. Find us […]

PLOTO Project Mid-Term Review


After 18 months since its start, the PLOTO project is reaching a significant milestone as it readies itself for the mid-term project review meeting on the 25th of April. This gathering marks a crucial juncture for the project, offering an opportunity to reflect on past achievements, evaluate current progress, and plot the course for future […]


The 2024 EuCNC & 6G Summit, will be organised in Antwerp, Belgium from 3rd to 6th June, combining the EuCNC and 6G Summit conferences. Sponsored by ComSoc, EURASIP, and EurAAP, it covers 5G, mobile IoT, and 6G, attracting global industry leaders and researchers With over 900 delegates from 40+ countries, it might be a prime […]